- Adjust Colors: Allows you to adjust hue, saturation (color), and lightness.
- Aged Film: If the clip looks really bad, you can avoid blame by applying this effect to make it look like it’s from really old film. (“See, it’s not my fault that the colors are all wrong — this was shot on 8mm film 40 years ago!”) Your secret is safe with me. The Aged Film effect lets you adjust three different factors:
- The Exposure slider lets you make the aged effect appear lighter or darker.
- The Jitter slider controls how much the video image “jitters” up and down. Jitter makes the clip look like film that is not passing smoothly through a projector.
- The Scratches filter lets you adjust how many film “scratches” appear on the video image.
- Black & White: Converts the clip to a black and white image.
- Brightness & Contrast: Adjusts brightness and contrast in the image. (In Figure, I have increased brightness and contrast to improve the appearance of a backlit video clip.) Separate sliders let you control brightness and contrast separately.
- Sepia Tone: Gives the clip an old-fashioned sepia look.
- Sharpen: Sharpens an otherwise blurry image. A slider control lets you fine-tune the level of sharpness that is applied.
- Soft Focus: Gives the image a softer appearance, simulating the effect of a soft light filter on the camera. Three slider controls let you customize the Soft Focus effect:
- The Softness slider controls the level of softness. Move the Softness control towards the Lots end of the slider for a dreamsequence look.
- The Amount slider controls the overall level of the Soft Focus effect.
- The Glow slider increases or decreases the soft glow of the effect. Setting the Glow slider towards High tends to wash out the entire video clip.
Modifying light and color in Apple iMovie
google blogger on Friday, November 14, 2008