Streaming your video

on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Doing stuff on the Internet usually means downloading files. For example, when you visit a Web page, files containing all the text and pictures on that Web page are first downloaded to your computer, and then your Web-browser program opens them....

Choosing a Video Format for Internet

on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Many different video formats are available for the movies you edit on your computer. Each format uses a different codec. (I explain codecs in greater detail in Chapter 13, but a codec, short for compressor/decompressor, is a software tool used for...

Setting MPEG settings

on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I like the MPEG format because it is easy to use and — most importantly —widely supported among Mac and PC users. MPEG is actually a family of multimedia file standards. There are currently four MPEG standards:MPEG-1: This is the oldest version...

Nice sunset pictures that will inspire you being a witness of a sunset

on Sunday, March 28, 2010

One of the most beatiful things in the nature is the sunset. Together with you boy- or girlfriend you can watch and be surprised how incredible it is. Take a look at these sunset pictures right now and see one of the nature wonde...

Some Funny Pictures For Your Time

on Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do you want to see some very funny pictures. Here is the world of art gallery pictures. Have fun right n...

Our best friend- Mickey Mouse

on Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hello, kids. Do you love Mickey Mouse. Enjoy our favourite pictures of Mickey Mouse and have f...