Apple iMovie 3 offers some useful improvements over previous versions of the software — and a few changes that are less welcome. One thing I find a little aggravating is that the timeline does not automatically show the audio clips that accompany video clips. Each clip in the timeline includes both audio and video, but the timeline shows only a single track. To view combined audio and video clips separately in iMovie, you mustextract the audio from each video clip individually. To do so, follow these steps:Click once on a clip in the timeline to select it.Choose Advanced➪Extract Audio, or press Ô+J. The audio will now appear as a separate clip in the timeline.Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each clip in the timeline. It may be...
How to lock timeline tracks in Pinnacle Studio?
google blogger on Monday, September 29, 2008
Pinnacle Studio offers a handy locking feature on timeline tracks. Locking the track doesn’t prevent burglars from stealing it late at night, but it does allow you to temporarily protect a track from changes as you manipulate other tracks. For example, if you want to delete the audio track that came with some video, but you don’t want to delete the video itself, follow these steps:Click the track header on the left side of the timeline. A lock icon appears on the track header, and a striped gray background is applied to that track. Perform edits on other tracks. For example, if you want to delete the audio track for one of your video clips, click the audio clip once to select it, and then press Delete on your keyboard. The...